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Don - The Zutons

Standing on the edge of the cliff
And I'm thinking it through my mind
I'm afraid that I'm about to slip
Because my body is out of time
And I think, I think, I think, I think
I think until I'm nearly there
Do you remember when you were young
Do you remember what your mother said
She said don't ever think,
ever think, ever think too much
Don't ever think, ever think, ever think too much
Don't ever think, ever think, ever think too much
Don't ever think, ever think, ever think too much
Obsession is a terrible thing
Cause it happens to everyone
Cause Mother Nature comes with a sting
And ...
And I'm lying, I'm lying, I'm lying awake
Lying in my lonely bed
Do you remember when you were young
Do you remember what your mother said
She said don't ever think,
ever think, ever think too much
Don't ever think, ever think, ever think too much
Don't ever think, ever think, ever think too much
Don't ever think, ever think, ever think too much
And I think again, and I think again
It's just the thinking, I don't understand
It's all hopes, ...
The persecution is on fire
Don't ever think, ever think, ever think too much
And don't ever think, ever think, ever think too much
And don't ever think, ever think, ever think too much
And don't ever think, ever think, ever think too much

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